Member Roles

Studio Prime consists of three roles for Members:

Each of these roles have certain permissions within Studio Prime. These roles and the associated permissions are described below.

A note about Collaborators: as they are not Members of the Studio Prime account, they have no permissions or capabilities therein, so the roles and permissions discussed below do not apply to them.


This is the basic role assigned to a user invited to join Studio Prime. A Studio user can only be a Member of one Studio Prime account. Members have the following abilities in Studio Prime:


This is an administrative role that can be assigned to any Member by an Owner or another Admin. There can be more than one Admin in a Studio Prime account. Admins have the following abilities in Studio Prime:


The Owner role is assigned to a user when the Studio Prime account is established. This user has all the functionality of an Admin plus the ability to view Studio Prime license information. Additionally, their permissions cannot be modified by another user. The Owner has all Admin functionality as listed above.